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Where To Sell Handmade Items Besides Etsy

Where To Sell Handmade Items Besides Etsy

Handmade items are becoming more and more popular, as people are looking for unique, one-of-a-kind pieces to add to their collections. If you’re a crafter or artist who sells your work online, then you know that Etsy is one of the most popular platforms for doing so. But did you know that there are other websites where you can sell your creations? In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the other popular platforms where you can sell your handmade items.

One of the great things about selling handmade items online is that there are a lot of different platforms to choose from. This gives crafters and artists the opportunity to find the platform that best suits their needs. Each platform has its own set of pros and cons, so it’s important to do your research before deciding which one to use. Here are some of the most popular platforms for selling handmade items:

Top 10 Websites to sell handmade items besides Etsy:

  1. eWorldTrade
  2. Amazon Handmade
  3. Bonanza
  4. eBay
  5. indiecart
  6. Folksy
  7. Fine Art America
  8. aftcra
  9. Storenvy
  10. Zibbet

1. eWorldTrade:

eWorldTrade is a global marketplace that specializes in connecting buyers and sellers from all over the world. With millions of products available on their platform, eWorldTrade is a great option for crafters and artists who want to sell their handmade items to a wide audience.With a focus on international trade, eWorldTrade offers crafters and artists an easily-accessible platform to market their creations to customers all over the world. This platform offers innovative tools like product reviews and virtual storefronts, making it a great choice for those looking to expand their reach beyond Etsy.

2. Amazon Handmade:

Amazon Handmade is a marketplace that focuses exclusively on handmade goods. With millions of customers visiting Amazon each day, this platform offers great visibility and exposure for crafters and artists looking to sell their creations online.

3. Bonanza:

Bonanza is another popular marketplace that specializes in handmade, vintage, and craft items. With a straightforward seller interface and low fees, this platform is a great choice for sellers who are looking to get started selling their creations online.

4. eBay:

eBay has long been one of the most popular marketplaces for buying and selling all kinds of items, including handmade goods. With millions of buyers and sellers active on the site each day, eBay is a great place to sell your handmade creations to an engaged audience.

5. Indiecart:

Indiecart is a newer marketplace that focuses specifically on independent designers and artisans. If you’re looking to connect with other artists and crafters in your local community, then Indiecart can be a great option.

6. Folksy:

Folksy is another marketplace that specializes in handmade goods. With a focus on community building and sharing, this platform makes it easy for crafters and artists to connect with one another and build relationships online.

7. Fine Art America:

Fine Art America is a popular online marketplace for art prints, fine art photographs, and other types of artwork. If you’re looking for an alternative to sell your products on Etsy, then Fine Art America can be a great choice.

8. Aftcra:

Aftcra is an online marketplace specifically designed for craft-based businesses. While the platform does not have as many active users as some of the other marketplaces on this list, it offers a number of features that can help your business stand out, such as product reviews and customizable storefronts.

9. Storenvy:

Storenvy is a popular online marketplace for independent brands and small businesses. With a focus on community building and supporting small-scale entrepreneurship, Storenvy can be a great platform for crafters and artists looking to grow their online presence beyond Etsy.

10. Zibbet:

Zibbet is another popular marketplace for handmade goods with an emphasis on community building and customer support. If you’re looking for a more personal connection with buyers, then Zibbet may be the right choice for you.

How to start selling your handmade crafts online:

  1. Determine which online marketplaces are best suited to your products and business goals. Some popular options include eWorldTrade, Bonanza, eBay, Indiecart, Folksy, Fine Art America, Aftcra, Storenvy, and Zibbet.
  2. Set up shop on your chosen platform by creating a seller account and uploading photos of your products. Be sure to carefully review the platform’s terms and conditions so that you understand all of the fees and requirements associated with selling on that site.
  3. Promote your shop by creating engaging content, building relationships with other sellers and customers on the platform, and leveraging social media and other marketing channels to drive traffic to your storefront.
  4. Monitor your sales performance regularly and make changes as needed to optimize your sales strategy over time. This may include tweaking product descriptions or pricing, exploring new marketing tactics, or adding new products to keep up with customer demand. With some persistence and determination, you can successfully sell your handmade crafts online and build a successful business in the process!

Benefits of selling handmade items online besides Etsy:

There are several benefits of selling handmade items online besides Etsy, including the ability to reach a wider audience, access to advanced tools and features for marketing your products, and lower fees than traditional e-commerce platforms. Additionally, many of these marketplaces focus on building community and supporting small-scale businesses, which can be an added benefit for crafters and artists looking to get started with their own online shops. Whether you’re just starting out or are looking to expand your existing business, there are many excellent options available for selling handmade goods online.


Selling handmade items online is a great way for artists and crafters to reach new customers and grow their businesses. There are many popular marketplaces available, including eWorldTrade, eBay, Indiecart, Folksy, Fine Art America, Aftcra, and Zibbet. When choosing an online marketplace to sell your work on, it is important to do your research and consider factors such as user base, fees charged, marketing tools and features offered, community-building focus, etc. Ultimately the best platform will be one that offers the combination of features and resources that works best for you and your business.

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