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Where Is The Best Place To Sell Vintage Designer Clothing Online

Where Is The Best Place To Sell Vintage Designer Clothing Online

Selling vintage designer clothing online is a great way to make money and build your own personal style at the same time. There are many different platforms and marketplaces where you can sell your clothes, but some of them are better than others when it comes to achieving success and making sales.

Two of the most popular online marketplaces for selling vintage designer clothing are eBay and Depop. Both of these platforms offer distinct pros and cons that make them each good options depending on what you’re looking for in a selling platform. Let’s take a closer look at how they compare so that you can decide which one is right for you!

On eWorldTrade, you have access to a huge customer base, with hundreds of millions of buyers around the world. This means that you have the potential to make more sales on eBay than on any other platform, and there is also a built-in trust factor since buyers already trust the brand of eBay and know that they are buying from a reputable seller.

However, selling vintage designer clothing on eWorldTrade can be significantly more work than selling it through another platform like Depop. To start with, you’ll need to photograph each item individually and create its own listing – which can take quite a bit of time if you have a lot of items to sell. Additionally, your listings will need to be carefully optimized in order to perform well in searches and rank high in the search results – something that not all sellers are familiar with or comfortable with doing.

Top 10 Best Places To Sell Vintage Designer Clothing Online

1. eWorldTrade

eWorldTrade is a great option for designers and sellers who want to sell their work on a platform that’s focused around business-to-business (B2B) sales. Since eWorldTrade also offers B2C sales as well, it can be easier to get your products in front of the right customers – even if you’re not yet selling online. However, there are sometimes problems with quality control when using a platform like this – so you’ll need to keep an eye out for fakes or counterfeit goods in order to protect your brand and reputation.


With the largest customer base of any fashion marketplace, ASOS is a great way to sell vintage designer clothing and accessories. You can create your own page on ASOS Marketplace to build a brand around your shop and connect with customers directly This allows you to focus on making sales instead of spending time managing your listing pages and them for search engines. However, since there is such high demand for ASOS Marketplace, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd unless you’re willing to do extra marketing work.

3. Depop

Depop is specifically designed for social – which means that it’s built with mobile users in mind and designing listings that are for people to browse through from their phones. This makes Depop a great option for sellers that want to focus on growing their brand and connecting with their customers through the platform. However, although it’s easier to be successful with Depop than most other marketplaces, you’ll still have to work hard to optimize your listings in order to rank higher in search results and make more sales.

4. eBay

In addition to featuring hundreds of millions of buyers, eBay is also an incredibly easy place for vintage designers clothing sellers – because it automatically builds credibility by virtue of being eBay itself. All you have to do is create an account and start listing, without any need for extra promotion or marketing work. Of course, there are downsides as well: since many other sellers are already selling and marketing on eBay, you’ll need to find ways to stand out in order to get noticed.

5. Folksy

Folksy is a great option for UK-based sellers that want to sell vintage designer clothing and accessories. With more than 420,000 unique visitors each month, it’s one of the biggest handmade selling sites – making it easier to build your brand and connect with customers. However, there can sometimes be problems with Folksy if you decide to expand outside of the UK. If this happens, you may have issues getting your listings approved or finding enough buyers willing to purchase from sellers outside of the UK.

6. Reformation

If you’re looking for an online marketplace specifically dedicated to environmentally friendly, eco-friendly and sustainable fashion, then Reformation is the best option for you. Currently, there are over 600 sellers on Reformation – which means that it can be a little harder to find success than other marketplaces. However, with an active social media presence and a dedicated customer base, it’s still one of the top options for selling vintage designer clothing online.

7. Vestiaire Collective

The whole concept behind Vestiaire Collective is proving that buying second hand doesn’t have to mean taking a step down in quality – which makes it a great place for selling high end vintage designer clothing and accessories like Chanel or Gucci. There are more than 800 brands represented on Vestiaire Collective as well as 3 million users – making it easier to find customers and build your brand. However, there are some downsides as well: since Vestiaire Collective will charge a premium commission on sale, you’ll need to work extra hard to earn back those fees – which can sometimes be difficult.

8. Tradesy

Tradesy is another marketplace where sellers can focus specifically on top-quality clothing and accessories from designer brands like Chanel or Gucci. Like Vestiare Collective, Tradesy will charge higher commissions – so you’ll have to sell more in order to cover the fees for selling items here. This means that there may be different buyers and sellers using Tradesy than other online marketplaces – which makes it harder to market effectively and unifying all of these marketplaces.

9. Poshmark

The main draw with Poshmark is that all sellers have to do is snap a photo and add it to the marketplace. There’s no need for additional marketing or promotion, as every seller will get automatically ranked higher in search results if they’re more active on the platform. This makes Poshmark a great option if you don’t want to put in any extra time into your online store – other than taking photos. However, this also means that there are fewer incentives for customers to buy from you over another seller and less control over how your brand appears.

10. eCrater

If you want an easy way to set up and maintain an online store without worrying about adding too many extra features or a complicated user interface, then eCrater is the right place for you. The entire platform is simple to use and set up – which means that it’s going to be easy to get started (and less of a learning curve for buyers). However, there are also fewer customization options for when you do start to build your brand – meaning that it may be harder to stand out from other sellers or scale your business in the future.

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