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What is the procedure for importing semiconductors from China to the EU?

What is the procedure for importing semiconductors from China to the EU

Semiconductors, the tiny brains behind modern electronics, are crucial components in everything from smartphones to cars. The European Union (EU), a major consumer of these chips, relies heavily on imports, with China being a significant source. Importing semiconductors from China to the EU involves navigating various procedures and regulations. Below is a summary of the key steps::


  1. Identify Your Needs: Before diving in, meticulously define the specific type and quantity of semiconductors you require. Research technical specifications, compatibility needs, and potential suppliers. Look for reliable Chinese manufacturers with a proven track record and certifications. 
  2. Find a Supplier: Utilize online platforms like eWorldTrade or trade shows to connect with potential Chinese semiconductor suppliers. Verify their legitimacy through references, certifications, and online reviews. Negotiate pricing, delivery terms, and minimum order quantities (MOQs).

Top Semiconductors Suppliers From China 

Discover the best semiconductor suppliers from China! They make important electronic parts for many devices like phones and computers. Learn about their products and how they help make technology work better.

  1. Dimyth Beauty Equipment Manufacturer
  2. Shenzhen Huayi Brother Technology
  3. Shenzhen Qianhai Yikesh Industrial 
  4. Shenzhen Yuzens Electronics 
  5. Luoyang Silicon Electronics  

Check for Restrictions: Certain types of semiconductors might be subject to export controls in China. Research any restrictions based on the type and potential applications of the chips. You might need to obtain a license from the Chinese authorities for export.

Import Procedures:

  1. EORI Number: Ensure you have a valid Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number. This is mandatory for all businesses that import goods from outside the EU. 
  2. Commercial Invoice: Obtain a detailed commercial invoice from your Chinese supplier. This document should clearly specify the product description, quantity, unit price, total value, and incoterms (terms of delivery). 
  3. Packing List: Secure a packing list from your supplier. This document details the contents of each shipment, including item descriptions, quantities, and weights. 
  4. Certificate of Origin: Depending on the type and value of the semiconductors, you might need a Certificate of Origin (COO) from China.This document confirms the nation in which the goods were made. 
  5. Customs Declaration: Upon arrival of the shipment at the EU port, electronically submit a customs declaration with your local customs authority. This document includes information from the commercial invoice, packing list, COO, and potentially additional details depending on the goods. 
  6. Import Duty and VAT: Generally, semiconductors are subject to import duties (customs tax) at the EU border. The specific duty rate depends on the type of chip and the country of origin (China in this case). You will also likely need to pay Value Added Tax (VAT) on the imported goods.

Additional Considerations:

  1. Product Compliance: Ensure the imported semiconductors comply with relevant EU regulations, particularly the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive, which limits the use of certain harmful substances in electronics. 
  2. Payment Methods: Choose a secure and appropriate method of payment for your Chinese supplier. Consider using a letter of credit (LOC) for larger transactions to guarantee payment on receipt of the goods. 
  3. Logistics and Insurance: Organize reliable transportation for your semiconductors from China to the EU. Factors to consider include shipping routes, lead times, costs, and insurance coverage for potential damage during transport. 
  4. Customs Broker: For complex import procedures or large shipments, consider using a licensed customs broker. They can handle the necessary paperwork, navigate customs regulations, and ensure smooth clearance of your goods.

Staying Updated:

Regulations and procedures can change. Stay informed about the latest EU import regulations for semiconductors and potential updates on Chinese export restrictions. Regularly consult resources provided by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) and relevant Chinese authorities.


Importing semiconductors from China to the EU requires careful planning and adherence to regulations. By understanding the necessary steps, conducting thorough research, and potentially seeking professional assistance, you can navigate this process efficiently and obtain the essential electronic components for your business. Remember, building strong relationships with reliable Chinese suppliers and staying informed about relevant regulations are key factors for a successful import experience. As the world of semiconductors continues to evolve, staying updated and adapting to changing procedures will be crucial for businesses operating within the EU market.


  • What is the China semiconductor policy?

China heavily invests in domestic chip production (“Made in China 2025”) to achieve self-sufficiency in semiconductors

  • Where does Europe get its semiconductors from?

The European economy is now solely dependent on the importation of semiconductors, primarily from Taiwan and China 

  • Who is the largest semiconductor manufacturer?

Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC)is a publicly traded, partially state-owned industry in China . It is China’s largest contract chip manufacturer.

  • Which country is best in semiconductors?

Taiwan, China, South Korea, and the United States are the world’s top producers of semiconductors. Nonetheless, a large number of other nations, such as Germany, Israel, and Japan, are also heavily involved in the semiconductor sector.

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