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Top 10 B2B Marketplaces for Seafood In 2024


Fish and different seafood is society’s most significant food, after grains, making up about 15 percent of the world population’s total protein intake. Fish muscles have 18–25 percent protein by weight, the equal of beef, mutton, and poultry items, but are comparatively lower in calories. Omega fatty acid is found largely in seafood items.

The most commercially important ocean fish are species of salmon, codfish, halibut, redfish, tuna, mackerel, and sardine. Major species of freshwater fish are carp, eel, trout, and catfish. Hence, fish is the most consumed seafood item for animal protein. According to research the international seafood market is valued at $257 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach about $350 billion by 2027.

Oceans that yield the world’s total fish catch.

For a seafood lover b2b marketplaces are the best platforms to buy from since they have a huge variety of seafood items. Some varieties may not be available in your country, this is where b2b marketplaces are at service for.

Here are the top 10 b2b marketplaces not just for buying seafood items but if you are a business dealing in seafood products then this is the right place for you to list your merchandise and earn foreign exchange from around the world.

1. eWorldTrade

eWorldTrade is among the fastest thriving and leading B2B marketplace. It is built to make trade effortless at international status. On this online b2b marketplace, you can discover a wide range of seafood inventory by verified traders. The wholesalers, buyers, and sellers are fully secured and authentic. They tend to follow the latest transaction processes.

The best factor to trade with eWorldTrade is that you get premium packages at discounted rates. All the companies that are associated with eWorldTrade have made huge profits This platform enables businesses to thrive whether they are big-scale or small-scale companies.

The website is customer friendly for instance if you want to buy Salmon from South Africa you can simply write on the search bar Salmon Fish South Africa and it will take you directly to the main page. The filter feature helps the customers to discover the product page where they can explore thousands of buyers and sellers. They are known for catering to the best services and meeting market challenges. On this platform, you can find the latest characteristics with quick and resourceful business solutions.

Premium Quality Seafood Items That You Can Get

Why You Should Buy And Sell At eWorldTrade

2. SeaFoodDemand

What makes SeaFoodDemand and other B2B websites distinct is that all partners can communicate directly, and all the data of associates such as business name, address, telephone, fax, email address, and website are shown.

To add, every day, SeaFoodDemand forwards all the inquisitions & requests to all members, it maintains all the members from skipping any inquiries & recommendations.

Products you get at Seafood Demand

What makes seafood demand a leading seafood marketplace:

Importers and distributors from six continents and several companies:

3. Seafood Xchange

Seafood Xchange is a leading seafood B2B marketplace in Singapore. The traders have the freedom to buy and sell frozen seafood items from all around the world. This platform has connected many traders, logistics, and many financial institutions. At Seafood Xchange sellers gain access to large oversea markets as a result you get many international buyers from around the globe. As a seller when you trade with Seafood Xchange, you get access to end-to-end logistics, cross-border relationships, an easy documentation process, and health insurance.

As a buyer, you get to shop for hundreds of seafood items listed on the website at affordable prices. Your transactions are safe and secure. No personal data is shared without the owner’s knowledge.

Seafood items that are available here are:

Seafood trade is easier because:

4. Made In China

Made-In-China is one of the oldest names. B2B marketplace. It is among the world’s largest B2B platforms trading in Chinese seafood products such as squids, lobsters, octopus, frogs, and fish. They deal with all kinds of businesses, from small-sized to big-sized businesses.

Made-in-China has made communications easy between clients to effortlessly achieve what they are looking for. Additionally, Made-In-China deals in clothes, furniture, electronics, canned food, etc. Buyers can use the merchandise by sourcing proposals and entering the product details they are searching for.

Fresh Seafood Items that can be found here are

Why Made In China?

5. G-Fresh

Another famous online marketplace for all kinds of seafood items. Gfresh has a unique way of selling seafood items. You get fresh and frozen being bought and sold globally.

As the market needs for seafood across China proceed to thrive at an exponential speed, Gfresh has now positioned over 6,500 customers (and rising) so you can sell straight to China, without any risk.

Products you get at G-Fresh are:

6. Procsea

Procsea is a French B2B marketplace for seafood manufacturers and wholesale distributors globally. At Procsea business activities are smooth and easy to access by allowing sellers and buyers to manage their merchandise. This B2B marketplace allows you to connect with thousands of buyers and sellers and welcome endless orders. You can organize stock, set the availability of an item by date, and allow backorders.

Procsea is usually acknowledged as a French e-commerce company. This online portal is also ranked among the top B2B marketplaces in the world. You can find a huge range of seafood at highly affordable prices. You can avail of deals and bargain on the huge collection from top companies.

7. Meatex. Co

Meatex.Co b2b marketplace is all about providing the best services to customers, wholesalers, manufacturers, buyers, and sellers – similar opportunities by giving them access to a platform where they can showcase their merchandise. People can have access to the best seafood products in the marine industry.

Over several years, the seafood industry’s seen lots of joining and unions that have resulted in rarer, greater businesses that emphasize supermarkets, making smaller businesses wipe out from the business scale.

It doesn’t matter if you are a small business, what matters is the quality and authenticity of your work. Meatex.Co exists to give everyone access to the best products at affordable prices.

Meatex.Co has famous seafood items like:


On HKTDC, you have the freedom to explore top-notch quality products on a small scale. It implies that this medium lets you order even if you want to order 10 pieces i.e., a minimum number of items. HKTDC precisely lets you correspond the prices by directly reaching the supplier. It allows you to keep straightforward contact with business dealings, which is why this marketplace has gained huge popularity in the B2B business.

On HKTDC you can discover a huge range of merchandise listed but sellers around the world. Their mission is to create a B2B business that is famously recognized worldwide. It has also established reputable relationships between buyers and sellers. If you want to run a business that thrives without any obstacles, then HKTDC is the platform.

What seafood items do you get at HKTDC

9. DH Gate

DHGate is a B2B platform where buyers and sellers can discover a variety of seafood items from China. They have over 30 million items divided into various categories. DHGate has business solutions for all-sized markets showcasing frozen and canned seafood items. Apart from seafood items, you can also discover tools that are required to hold and clean sea items. Such as fish bone remover, crab cutter, and fishbone tweezers.

You can find items such as

10. Alibaba

Alibaba is a big name in the B2B marketplace where you can trade with hundreds of companies. Alibaba is a Chinese-based online platform.  It was founded in 1999.

Alibaba has incredible features such as industrialization tools, and reporting tools. These tools benefit the suppliers to reach their target audience and market the products. If you are looking for seafood items then this is the right platform. There are approx. millions of items listed on the website from 45 major countries.

A wide range of items such as


To wrap the seafood yumminess, these were the top 10 b2b marketplaces for buying and selling seafood items. These platforms have verified sellers, traders, and wholesalers which means you can trade without a second thought.

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