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Самые продаваемые товары в Бельгии онлайн 2024

E-commerce has evolved and it is not the same business it was five years ago. Online shopping is growing in popularity and while some people prefer to shop in physical stores, others enjoy the convenience of shopping from home without any hassle. More and more retailers are seeing increased profits by taking their businesses online.

E-commerce is on the rise around the world, including countries such as Germany, China and Japan, as well as Canada and Australia. This article will be about Belgium, which has become one of the largest retail centers in Europe, where you can find almost anything under the sun.

Here is a list of the best selling products in Belgium Online 2024:

1. Mobile phones and accessories

Belgium is a technology-loving country, which is why many of its residents buy their mobile devices online. People in this country do not mind shopping online because they are confident that the products will arrive at their front door without any hassle. The problem with globalism is that companies selling electronic goods do good business everywhere, but there are some countries where retail prices can vary significantly depending on several factors such as VAT or MOSS. Belgium has one of the highest VAT rates in Europe — 21%.

2. Fashion products

Clothing brands have come to realize how profitable it is to sell their products through e-commerce, so most of them have now opened an online store. As competition increases, more and more retailers are offering special offers to make sure people buy their products. The online fashion market has exploded all over the world because it doesn’t matter where you live; as long as you have access to the Internet, you can buy almost anything.

3. Beauty and wellness

This is one of the most popular categories among all European countries. Online sales of beauty and wellness products grew 11% in 2015, a trend that continued into 2016 and 2017. With sales reaching $8 billion in the United Kingdom alone, many other European companies want a piece of the pie. Health-oriented products such as dietary supplements, natural supplements for skin care, hair care or teeth whitening increased by 32% last year.

4. Electronic accessories

The Belgians are a technologically advanced nation, so many of them choose to invest in high-quality electronic products that can be used for a long time. A wide range of new devices are released every year, and while some people want the latest products, others simply enjoy using things that work well and were made with great care. People don’t mind paying a little more money for products that they know will last at least 2 or 3 years, which is why this category has become so successful recently. The only setback is the fact that these products are generally available online solely because it is not cost effective to operate brick and mortar stores for this group of customers.

5. Sports equipment

Belgians love to keep fit and many of them prefer to exercise with their friends or family members. Sports equipment is generally more expensive than it used to be, so people have decided that the best way to save money is to buy certain items from China or Japan rather than locally. There are companies that cater specifically to Belgian customers, as well as those who don’t mind shipping their products outside the country if they can get a decent discount for it.

6. Books and magazines

While reading books on paper has become something of a niche these days thanks to various tablet devices, print media isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. People still like to get a newly printed book, look through a magazine, or buy something for their children from time to time. There are countless publishers in Belgium, which means there is a lot of competition when it comes to finding new clients.

7. Household appliances

According to the Belgian Bureau of Statistics, smart home devices have become popular in this country because people want to automate everything they can inside their homes. People who use these items usually prefer products that are compatible with platforms such as Android or iOS, so many manufacturers have realized that creating special versions just for the Belgian market isn’t really worth the hassle.

8. Laptops and computers

This is one of the most popular categories among Belgian e-commerce sites, and it’s not hard to see why. Almost every person living here owns a laptop or computer, which means all companies need to take this group of customers seriously. During the last quarter of 2017, laptops accounted for €3 billion of the €7.5 billion in total revenue for e-commerce websites across the country.

9. Toys and children’s products

Belgian children are very well educated and many parents choose to buy toys that will help their children develop specific skills that they will use later in life. People generally prefer to buy these types of products online rather than visiting brick-and-mortar stores because they are available 24/7 without any time restrictions.

10. Clothing and fashion

This is another extremely popular category, especially when it comes to the latest fashion trends discussed on various e-commerce sites around the world. People are constantly looking for new items mainly thanks to social media influencers who constantly share their new purchases or outfits they have collected while shopping online. According to Statista, Belgians spent more than 1.2 billion euros during 2017 on clothing and accessories alone.


Belgian e-commerce websites will continue to grow throughout 2024 because there is an ever-changing demand among consumers who want access to their favorite products 24 hours a day. There are thousands of companies that sell everything from sports equipment to electronics, comic books or even natural skin care supplements.

Belgium became one of the world leaders when it comes to online shopping during 2015/2016, and this trend looks set to continue into 2021. Even though Belgians are known mainly for their chocolate, beer and waffles, they love to keep up with the latest trends and are not afraid to spend a decent amount of money on new gadgets or items of clothing. The most popular categories in this market include beauty and health, electronic accessories and sports equipment.

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