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Самые продаваемые товары в Норвегии онлайн 2024

Top Selling Products In Norway Online 2022

Norway’s e-commerce market continued to grow in 2018, despite challenges posed by a relatively small population and low internet penetration. The country is expected to have the fourth-highest growth in online retail sales from 2017 to 2021 among EMEA countries, driven by increased internet penetration across all age groups and a growing economy. As of 2016, just over 50% of the population have used the Internet in the past three months. This compares to over 80% in Sweden and Denmark. The number of mobile cellular subscribers per 100 inhabitants was almost 112%, which is one of the highest rates in the world.

As of 2016, about 99.3% of subscriptions were from smartphones. In terms of internet user base, Norway ranked 14th out of 189 countries in 2017 with 39.2 users per 100 inhabitants. The Netherlands had the highest rate with 85.7 users per 100 inhabitants, followed by Sweden (52), Denmark (49) and Iceland (47).

E-commerce activity in Norway has grown over the past few years, fueled by increased internet penetration among consumers and businesses, as well as improved logistics infrastructure, making it more efficient to shop online than offline. Online shopping therefore accounted for about 13% of total retail sales in 2018, according to presentations from PostNord Norway, a joint venture between Norway Post and Swedish postal and logistics company PostNord (formerly Posten Norden).

Norway’s e-commerce market is dominated by foreign companies due to the lack of local operators offering a wide selection. Of the top five online shopping sites in 2018, Amazon and eBay were international companies, while sports retailer XXL was locally owned.

Here is the list:

1. Household appliances

This is the best selling product among all. As people are now becoming aware of online shopping, they are now preferring it as their first choice for purchasing things.

2. Clothes

It is the 2nd best selling product among all. Over the past few years, this industry has undergone many transformations due to which this market has gained tremendous growth than before. People now prefer to buy clothes online than offline due to their comfort and easy availability of varieties.

3. Electronics

It is also one of the best selling products among all other products available online. As people are becoming more comfortable with electronics, this product is also increasing its sales day by day.

4. Books

People still prefer printed books over books available in e-readers due to their convenience. But with time, the printing market is shrinking and people are switching to e-books, which are increasing their sales day by day.

5. Food and drinks

People love to serve food and drinks to their guests rather than buying them elsewhere. Since online stores sell products quickly and hassle-free, so people prefer it to serve guests, which increases its sales for food and beverages mainly.

6. Furniture

Since people prefer to buy things online, they prefer to buy furniture online too. This has increased its sales relative to other products available online.

The total number of purchases and average purchase costs in 2018 were approximately SEK 3 billion and SEK 1,750, respectively. Transaction volume increased by 11% compared to 2017, while average spending increased by 9%. Online shoppers spent around SEK 2,900 per year in 2018, up around 19% from 2017. While there are no country-specific data on e-commerce sales and value for Norway alone, overall Sweden has the second largest e-commerce market in Europe after the UK (€831 billion).

7. Mobile phones

The best-selling product in Norway is mobile phones. Its sales are increasing day by day due to which people prefer it as the first choice when they want to buy any new phone for themselves or for others.

8. Home decoration

It is also one of the best selling products among all other products available online. People love to decorate their home with good furniture and decorations, so they prefer to buy them online rather than offline, which has cost this industry a huge growth over the past few years.

9. Health and beauty

It is also one of the best selling products among all other products available online. With an increase in the number of people visiting the gym, beauty salons and hospitals, this industry has seen tremendous growth over the past few years.

10. Sports equipment

With sports becoming more famous day by day, people prefer to buy sports equipment online rather than offline due to which the industry is witnessing good growth in terms of sales volume and value.

11. Toys and games

As games are becoming more famous day by day, people are choosing to buy toys and other related products online due to which the industry is witnessing good growth in terms of sales volume and value.

12. Gardening

People love to decorate their homes as well as offices with flowers and plants, so they prefer to buy these products online rather than offline due to which this industry has received huge growth over the past few years.

13. Stationery

People are always in need of stationery for different purposes, so they prefer to buy them online rather than offline as this industry has been growing rapidly in terms of sales volume and cost in the last few years.

14. Stationary

People love to buy stationery (office and school) for personal use as well as gifting, so they prefer to buy them online rather than offline, which is why this industry has been growing rapidly since the last few years in terms of sales volume and value.

15. Children’s products

Baby products are the most sold products in Norway due to which people prefer to buy baby products online more than offline due to which the industry has seen good growth in terms of sales volume and value.


There are many products available online, but there is still a demand for food and beverages online, which is why this industry has received huge growth over the past few years. In addition to this mobile phone, the industry is also one of the best-selling products in Norway, due to which people prefer to buy them from anywhere rather than offline. The furniture industry has also been following mobile phones for the past few years and has seen positive growth in terms of sales volume and value over the past few years. Finally, it can be concluded that games and toys have received huge growth over the past few years due to their increasing demands day by day, so people prefer to buy sports equipment online rather than offline, so this industry has seen good growth in terms of sales volume and cost. ,

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