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I prodotti più venduti in Francia online 2024

Top Selling Products In France Online 2022

A new research study has found that the best-selling products in France online 2024 will be led by a couple of sectors: consumer goods and media. However, this is not to say that other sectors will not do well – they will continue to thrive, just perhaps not as big as the two above.

The expected increase in online sales attributed to these aforementioned sectors can be attributed to several factors such as the growing number of Internet users, ease of access for consumers and simplified purchasing processes. Based on research conducted so far, it has also been revealed that the French spend more than Americans in eCommerce because many e-commerce retailers have already stored there and convenient payment systems are available.

France is also a country where people are still taking their first steps in eCommerce. E-commerce accounts for 3.5% of overall sales, which pales in comparison to China’s 10%, but is still much larger than America’s 2%. A key reason for this is that many French citizens have yet to embrace the Internet, with only 65% ​​of them being Internet users. Once they start adopting it, however, these numbers should increase further and so should online shopping revenues.

Here is the list of best-selling products in France online 2024:

1. Consumer goods

Consumer goods are products or items that are used for personal care or hygiene, general well-being, nutrition, and sometimes even home improvement. All products that can be conveniently purchased and delivered to homes or business locations will fall into this category. This category is expected to drive the highest online sales in France both this year and last 2024.

Members of the working class prefer convenience, which is what eCommerce offers; fast delivery times and competitive prices. Since there are still many Internet users who have yet to embrace e-commerce, market demands for consumer goods remain high.

2. Clothing

This is the second largest of all the best-selling products in France online in 2024, with over 3.5 billion euros expected to be generated this year and 4.2 billion euros by 2022. The clothing is available in various forms such as footwear, underwear, accessories and even sportswear such as suits and formal wear. People not only buy clothes for themselves, but also buy them for their children, parents and friends for different occasions (for example, weddings).

There are many factors that make eCommerce attractive to apparel retailers; analysis of consumer shopping habits reveals that more people choose to shop online than visit physical stores These days people value convenience over anything else, meaning if an item can be delivered faster than is available in physical stores, the consumer will probably opt for the former.

3. Food and drinks

Food and drink is another popular product best sold online in France both this year and in 2024 because it represents a substantial share of the UK market which comes with the convenience of having your groceries delivered to your home or in corporate places that you can then cook or store at home. It makes sense for the French to click on food products more than clothes on their smartphones when they’re hungry, meaning demand for such items will continue to increase in future years as internet penetration increases across France.

4. Home electronics

It is another best-selling product in France online in 2024 with an expected value of over 320 million euros by the end of this year and over 1 billion euros by 2022. There are several reasons why home electronics is a popular category among the French, but key among them must be the convenience of purchasing these items on their phones or computers at home without having to leave the sofa or enter crowded stores.

5. Sports equipment

While eCommerce may not have produced the same results as other industries, sports still remains an attractive category for retailers because it is readily available on smartphones and represents a substantial share of total sales across several categories. This means that sports revenues will also continue to grow despite strong competition from other online categories. Furthermore, the growing popularity of fitness among French citizens is a very important factor that can be used to determine how well these products will continue to sell in future years.

6. Books

Ebooks have forever changed the way people read books with a whopping 52% of all book sales coming from ebook downloads across different book categories starting from bestsellers to academic books. With over 20 million ebooks downloaded this year, France is among the leading countries in terms of ebook downloads for reading pleasure. This is why you can expect sales to continue increasing well into 2022, especially with the growing number of French people embracing online shopping for books.

7. Beauty and personal care

As consumer demands grow in line with increasing internet penetration across France, retailers are responding by offering various products that will ensure consumers remain loyal to their brands. It’s not unusual these days for French people to search for beauty items on their phones when they feel like improving their appearance or using a new product recommended by friends or family who have tried them before. This is one of France’s best-selling products online that is expected to have a market value of over 220 million euros by 2022, which is why it makes sense for retailers across the country to pay attention to these items and find ways to increase their their share among consumers.

8. Toys

People tend to spend a lot of time on their phones for both work and play, with games being one of the most preferred categories on several websites and apps simply because they can be played quickly without requiring too much mental energy. The widespread availability of smartphones has not only helped people entertain themselves but has also improved the way toys are purchased with the French increasingly looking at reviews from friends and family before making any purchasing decisions. This means that sales will continue to increase in the coming years especially if there are new developments in the world of online shopping.

9. Hair care products

Regardless of the type and brand of hair products that French people use, it is common to see these items among the best-selling products in France online. This is because people will remain loyal to a specific brand as long as they continue to produce quality items that meet their budget needs. While there are some expensive brands such as L’Oreal and Schwarzkopf, other items such as shampoo can be purchased for less than 10 euros, meaning that most French households have at least one item from this category to improve the overall appearance of their hair. This product category is particularly attractive due to the growing number of men and women aged 18 to 34 who want to improve their appearance using good quality styling products without spending too much money.

10. Sports and fitness

Thanks to increased awareness of healthy lifestyles, it is not unusual to see more and more French people paying attention to their diet and how often they exercise each week. This means that sports and fitness items remain among the best-selling products in France online with some retailers also increasing their share by offering discounts on a regular basis so that consumers can purchase new items such as footballs or basketballs without having to pay full price for them. Whether you are looking for equipment to play badminton or tennis, there will be several shops where you can make your purchase thanks to all these sports which are very common throughout the country both at school level and in professional tournaments for adults.

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