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How To Find Buyers of Sunflower Seeds in China?

Businesses are working effectively to make better sales and revenue. Every one of them is looking for expansion and looking to make it into the international market and work with different companies, and organizations to have a potential survival in the market.

In this framework, the entities keep looking for their target from which they can expand their buying and selling. This type of exchange creates goodwill, has sustainability, and reaches set goals. However, with the changing dynamics in the market, the B2B system is looking at an unprecedented change.

In the past few years, data and analytics, and effective B2B marketing have been crucial to hit, and a challenging process. Whether you are finding a target audience, carrying out marketing, or link-building. It is a rather lengthy road to go on.

The Sunflower Seed Market and Its Potential

Among an array of products, sunflower seeds are of great value. The market shows some great stats for stats the market was valued at USD 40.8 billion last year. This year and forward it is expected to rise to USD 106, with a CAGR of 10.3%.

If you look closely, the sunflower seed business is a great business to deal with. To choose your potential market, China is a top trading market to buy or sell. It is a hub for ecommerce building the largest community of business. Sunflower seeds are a big market to sell in China. If you grow or have an abundant quantity of it, it is time to sell to the interested parties. So, how can you? Let’s learn it here.

How To Find Buyers of Sunflower Seeds in China?

The Three Stages of a B2B Buyer’s Journey

Here is an outline of how a buyer’s stage in B2B works. It typically refers to the sales and marketing before any purchasing. China is a huge market, buyers are spread everywhere, and you need to pick and hit the right shot.

1.      Awareness Stage

This is the initial stage where buyers become aware of a problem or need. So, they began by starting to research and gather information to understand their problem better. At this stage, buyers may not yet be aware of specific solutions or products that can address their needs.

2.      Consideration Stage

In this second stage, buyers have clearly defined their problems or needs. They actively research for possible solutions. They compare different options and evaluate features and benefits.  They also consider various factors such as price, quality, and reviews. This stage is vital for understanding how your product or service fits into their decision-making processes

3.      Decision Stage

At this final stage, now buyers have narrowed down their options and are ready to make a purchase decision. They may request demos, trials, or additional information to finalize their choice. This stage often involves negotiating terms such as discussing pricing and overcoming any remaining objections or concerns.

Finding Buyers of Sunflower Seeds in China

A buyer is never uninformed when they come to you. They know what is going on, and how the product is. They come to the sellers with full-fledged research, they know the stats, about the data, and have a plethora of information. According to Gartner, a B2B buyer spends 17% of their time meeting with potential suppliers.

1. Prospect with your Ideal Customers

You have to begin with the basics, in the stage where you work on prospects, certain things need to be done. Have an email list, send emails rigorously, and wait for them to respond. Of course, you will face a setback in receiving a response from the prospects.

However, it does not mean it is a failed strategy, so go for a proactive strategy in outbound marketing. It can be one of the best tools to use. Work only with the ideal consumers, go on with a tailored email, social messages, and address according to what they need.

2. Work on Content Marketing

You know content is the king, and therefore make the best use of it. Work on content marketing with a swift approach and targeting the specific needs of the consumers. Make sure to translate the website into the most popular languages, keep up with different cultures, and design an awesome SEO.

Content marketing is where your B2B buyers will step in. but how? You have to be as valuable as you can. If it hits the right target, it will increase many opportunities.

3. Take Social Media Help

Social media is where everyone is, and your sunflower seed buyers too. Create a robust social media strategy to create a strong brand awareness. Do not stay away from using the power of social media, it goes a long way. However, you do not have to be bombarded with social media posts.

Moreover, there is more than social media with the striking presence of digital marketing you can focus on its different angles.

4.  Target Market Segmentation

The prospects are spread around the block so, segmentation is important to target them in smaller groups. But work on this strategy carefully, create a difference between targeted, and customization. You can use tools to make different targeted ads, by targeting with relevant messages.

5.  Connect to B2B Markets

They are blessings added to the digital world. B2B eCommerce platforms have emerged and proved to be an efficient source for buyers and sellers. They have included the widespread market and keep every small to large business together under one platform.

A Platform That Helps You Find Buyers

In the eCommerce world, eWorldTrade has taken over the place as a top eCommerce platform. It is a B2B platform working in China and other parts of the world. They have set an endless platform of opportunities in the business world. They are considered a top platform to find sellers online for international trade.


In this competitive world, finding buyers is a crucial deal, and there are numerous way to do so. But you have to move with a strategic method.

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