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Productos más vendidos en Marruecos en línea 2024

Top Selling Products In Morocco Online 2022

Online shoppers purchase products that are not available locally. This means you can effectively sell your products to people in Morocco, even if they do not reside near the factory or product supplier. Additionally, there is the potential to increase sales because more customers will be able to find your business online.

Global e-commerce market sales are expected to reach 1,378 trillion by 2020, indicating a 15% increase from 2015; This level of growth is approximately three times faster than world trade (source). It’s clear that your customers want convenience and purchasing power, making it necessary for you to offer efficient cross-border transactions. You need to make sure you have all the necessary tools to promote your business on foreign soil as soon as possible.

Best selling products in Morocco online 2024

The online market in Morocco is one of the best places for you to make sales. According to statistics, there are around 6 million Moroccans who use the Internet regularly; This means that there is a large population that can purchase products through your eCommerce site. Here is the list of them

1. Clothing

In recent years, the number of online shoppers has been increasing in Morocco. You may have already heard from your friends and colleagues about how they shop for clothes every month. The truth is that these people don’t go to shopping malls as often as they used to because everything can be found on their mobile phones or laptops with a few keystrokes.

2. Food and drinks

Demand for ready-to-eat foods is increasing among young professionals struggling to find time to cook a full meal at home during rush hour traffic periods. Also, they don’t want to spend a lot of money buying food from restaurants or fast food chains that are too expensive compared to groceries. So, it’s clear that you need to stock your kitchen cabinets with food that can be shipped to Morocco.

3. Furniture

More Moroccan families are reportedly working with foreign employers; This means that they need furniture to furnish their new homes in metropolitan cities like Casablanca and Marrakech, where there is a large expat community. However, most people do not have time to go furniture shopping during weekends or holidays, forcing them to purchase items online. For this reason, you need to ensure that your warehouses stock different types of home decor products if you want to make sales in Morocco in 2024.

4. Electronics

The next product category that continues to attract buyers from around the world is electronic devices, including mobile phones and laptops. Mobile phones are cheaper when purchased from foreign e-commerce sites compared to local stores. Additionally, there are many phone brands that cannot be found in Morocco because they are restricted for sale within selected geographic regions under exclusive distribution agreements. Regardless of this fact, Moroccan consumers will be able to purchase these products from online merchants as long as they have a bank account and a credit card.

5. Toys

If you look at their past sales records, you’ll notice that toys account for a significant portion of revenue relative to other product categories; This is due to the continued increase in children living within cities rather than rural areas who no longer need farming tools or supplies for farming purposes (source). As such, it is important that you keep track of new trends in terms of what you should stock your shelves with to remain competitive over the next 5 years.

6. Plumbing Supplies

In the next five years, you should expect an increase in demand for plumbing equipment due to ongoing construction activities within Moroccan cities. There are thousands of new apartments being built every month, which means that there will be a greater number of homeowners who need faucets and other related accessories. Additionally, the country will have a large generation of young people who want modern bathrooms with luxurious bathtubs and sinks.

7. Glassware

According to data from foreign companies doing business in Morocco, local consumers tend to spend more money on food-related items, such as glassware, each year. Therefore, it is essential that your warehouses stock exclusive Moroccan designs so that you can offer them online without engaging in any physical store operations.

8. Makeup

According to reports from those who have been doing business in Morocco for 5 years, the demand for makeup has increased among women of all age groups because it is a great way to improve their appearance at work or during social gatherings. If you are planning to open a new Moroccan e-commerce site, this is one of the categories that will contribute to your success in 2022

9. Perfumes

If you are thinking of setting up an online store for Moroccans, you may also want to stock perfumes; This is because consumers are always looking for quality items that can help them feel confident and attractive during special occasions like weddings (source). The truth is that many people buy perfumes because they happen to be offered by companies with annual sales promotions.

10. Nuts

Another product category that is expected to have continued demand in Morocco is nuts due to their high nutritional value (source). More Moroccan women are conscious of the types of foods they eat, which means you will get rich selling dietary supplements through your e-commerce site if you are within the region.

11. Baby products

Another industry that is steadily growing in Morocco is baby products; This is mainly due to a growing number of people who want to have children for religious or sentimental reasons (source). However, it is important not to forget about young adults living within urban areas because there are over 500 registered universities within the country, which means low birth rates among millennials (source).

12. Appliances

You should also stock home appliances in your online store because they are essential for new homeowners and those living inside buildings that do not have modern facilities (source). As such, it will be a lucrative industry in the coming years as more people move to urban areas from rural communities where farm tools are still necessary for agricultural purposes.

13. Smart watches

Another product that is expected to become increasingly popular among Moroccans is the smart watch; This is due to the fact that smartphones play an important role in our lives these days (source). If you want to make money selling Moroccan products through e-commerce, focusing on watches and other accessories like bracelets and necklaces will allow you to make money over the next five years.

14. Air conditioning

Another product that is expected to sell more in Morocco than in other developed countries is air conditioning; This is because many homeowners choose to install the electrical appliance when they build their house (source). If you don’t know what type of Moroccan products to store in your online store, we recommend purchasing air conditioners and refrigerators for consumers who want appliances that can keep food fresh.

15. Computer Tablets

Over the next five years, Moroccans will spend even more money on tablets and related items such as laptops and electronic keyboards; This is due to a rise in Internet diseases like Gangnam Style (source). In fact, there are currently more than 60 million people living in Morocco who own a smartphone or tablet (source).


In short, the Moroccan market is a hotbed for new entrepreneurs looking to start an e-commerce website because there is a steady increase in online sales over time. In fact, more than 100 million people living within Morocco have access to smartphones or tablets today (source).

Since most of them are shopping from their homes instead of going to local stores, making money through e-commerce will be profitable if you know where to invest your funds. The product categories discussed in this article will help you make money online selling Moroccan products thanks to a growing middle class and increased internet penetration within the country.

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