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Membership in The Dynamic Brotherhood has given many the courage, the confidence, the knowledge and the power they needed to change their life for the better.Becoming a Member of the Brotherhood can give your life a new meaning and direction, and show you how to be happier and more fulfilled.The Dynamic Brotherhood offers simple solutions, a helping hand, and answers. It teaches the secret techniques and methods to become anything you wish to be and to attain all the riches of life.Every Member of The Dynamic Brotherhood is given the knowledge and the power to achieve all the success and riches of life that they have dreamed about.We invite anyone who wishes to forge the spirit of friendship in a true brotherhood of power to join us, to unite our power to your own.Join us and share in the Brotherhoods closely-guarded secrets and circles of power.Together we can achieve great things that we could not achieve alone. Joining The Dynamic Brotherhood will start you on the path to a new life filled with money, friends, health and the fulfillment of all your dreams.Beginning today, you can change your life and your fortune. Learn how you can have,do and be anything you want in life.For centuries past, the knowledge and power contained within that which is called the Secrets of the Ages has been kept hidden from the common man and reserved for a wealthy and powerful elite.Membership in The Dynamic Brotherhood, however, is not restricted to members of the rich elite??anyone with a brave heart and a daring spirit who has a strong desire to change their lives and live their dreams is invited to join us.As a Member, you will be given the guarded secrets behind those few who have acquired great riches and power throughout the centuries.Great truths and hidden secrets are dangerous to the many but keys to personal power for those few who dare to seek them out.We will share with you the knowledge of how to control life for your own happiness and benefit. Privileged secrets that one can only become a part of through one sown discovery. The Dynamic Brotherhood has the keys that will unlock your secret potential and awaken hidden powers which already lie dormant within you.In your mind you have talents and abilities which if developed can make you a magnet for love, riches, friends and fortune.Joining The Dynamic Brotherhood will give you a life like you have never known before, filled with all the rich rewards of success and personal power.The Dynamic Brotherhood is the only organization of its kind in the world today, a real secret society for real people, and the only one that delivers unsurpassed results for both self-realization and fulfillment of body, mind, and spirit.The Dynamic occult was founded in the grand tradition of the great collegiate secret societies like the Brothers in Unity, Skull & Bones and the Mystical Seven, as well as the time-honored fraternities of the Freemasons, Odd Fellows and theknightly brotherhoods.While membership in secret societies like Skull & Bones is reserved for the elite who have been born into wealth and power, the Dynamic Brotherhood is for the common man.And unlike groups like the Masons, which have evolved into public charitable institutions or simply social clubs, the objective of the Dynamic is to continue the venerable tradition of uniting men together in a private society of mutual aid.The Brotherhood is a legal, non-political, non-religious society whose sole interest is building a united brotherhood of members who help each other. It has nothing to do with fanciful nonsense like the Illuminati. We have no desire to control others but only wish to gain control of our own lives and destiny.We are seeking that special wisdom and knowledge that would set us free from the bondage to dull and dreary everyday life, while strengthening us in body, mind and spirit, and bringing us the material rewards of wealth, love, and success. The Dynamic Brotherhood is a true brotherhood of secret knowledge and power.I first found out about The Dynamic Brotherhood in a book called Telecult Power back in the late sixties or early seventies. The book reads a little hokey but only because the author is trying to reach a wider and more popular audience. It does, however, contain genuine esoteric knowledge. Even more importantly, some of the information really works.The book tells about a secret organization called The Dynamic Brotherhood which is supposedly just a circle of friends who can get together to unite their mental powers for success. However, in searching for The Dynamic Brotherhood, I was able to find references going back at least to the 1800's.It also led me to a secret fraternity known as the Knights of Labor or the Dynamic Brotherhood. Legend says that a group of men tried to join Skull and Bones at Yale but were rejected because of their humble background. Because they were working men and not of the rich elite. They then decided to form their own group, an inner order or brotherhood of which the Knights of Labor was only the outer organization or recruiting grounds.This research led me to an even more mysterious and secretive group and the genius behind it. It was from the guidance and inspiration of this inner circle that the Dynamic Brotherhood pains me a lot to see most of Nigerian writing on internet i want to join Illuminati occult in Africa i want to join Illuminati brotherhood in Nigeria to be rich and famous. first Illuminati is not and African tradition and don't make people rich, Illuminati don't need poor people, Illuminati need those that have already made they money and Illuminati don't have any temple in Nigeria, it is a western tradition and what they need is top politician, top pastors, top musician etc. we Africans knows what our people are lacking so we are here to liberate the poor, what we want are the poor people to come to us so that we can make them rich we are not here for the rich but we are here for the poor people.Dynamic Brotherhood offers all initiate members growth, wealth, fame, power, prosperity and success in all areas of heart desires. we dont demand human sacrifice, the use of any human parts or early personal death as a precondition foryou to become our member.membership into our fraternity is free and normally through a thorough screening. we are here to liberate those who need wealth, riches, power, prosperity, protection and success in all ramification. WE ARE THE STRONGEST OCCULT SOCIETY IN AFRICA THAT FOLLOWED THE AFRICAN TRADITION AND MAKES ITS MEMBERS THE MOST RICHEST AND STRONGEST TO BE FAMOUS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE JUST CONTACT THE GRAND MASTER WITH THIS NUMBER AND MADE YOUR REQUEST AND IT SHALL BE APPROVED IF YOU HAVE A BRIGHTER DESTINY THAT CAN WORK WITH US CALL :+2348140633561 MEMBERS CELEBRATING Without true wisdom and inner power, the outer trappings of success are all in vain, for spirit is ascendant over matter. That which is eternal is of far greater value than that which turns to dust. The Dynamic Brotherhoods teachings are not aimed merely towards self-aggrandizement but for the greater happiness of the Member and so that they, in turn, may bless and help others upon the path of life.With that said, let us say that anyone, having the right knowledge, inner power anda circle of powerful friends, with grit and determination can attain to success and prosperity. Advancement in the Brotherhoods degrees of wisdom and power can, however,translate into a virtual guarantee of lifetime security because you are building a power within yourself that can never be taken away. Success is not handed to any oneon a silver platter and only you can guarantee your future happiness.Why not start today building that happiness, prosperity, inner power and peace by joining The Dynamic Brotherhood? you can get us through phone call +2348140633561This page is for those who are seriously interested in Dynamic Brotherhood occult fraternity. People with prejudices and the mob should stay away from here: they would only toddle in darkness and be highly indignant. The described black magic rituals are not without danger and are consequently unsuitable for people who are not mentally in good constitution. Take heed to follow all instructions the way they are described. Without the necessary precautions every ritual will turn to your disadvantage, confusion and total destruction. On the contrary, by following the instructions with precision, you will achieve a complete success in all your enterprises.Many today are seeking to join a secret society, the one that will give them back their hope and help them to achieve all the things they have wanted in life.They realize that they have lost their dreams and their ambitions. They have settled for a life of mediocrity.Sadly, many are disappointed, for real secret societies are rare, hard to find and even more difficult to join. The more well known have, over time, lost their own secrets and present merely a facade of mystical mumbo-jumbo without possessing any real substance.There are no accidents and it is no coincidence that you have been led to The Dynamic Brotherhood. The Brotherhood reaches out to help you and to offer the hand of friendship and hope.The Dynamic Brotherhood knows that everyone has great potential but often they have lost their self-esteem and their desire for a better life.All of us know that we can be better than we are. We are not living up to our potential. Yet we have this fear to take chances, to venture into unfamiliar enterprises and territories. Dear Friend and Seeker of the Classical African tradition,You live in a world shaped by women and men who sought greatness beyond the limitations of their own minds. It was their destiny to become more than merely human to become true masters over the winds of their need to know some secret things about this world we are leaving.Dynamic Brotherhood is not for everyone, but if it is for you, we welcome you. We are not a fan club, a pen-pal society, or a lonely hearts group. We are a group of dynamic individuals who stand forth as the ultimate underground alternative??the Alien Elite. We realize what we have, what we are, and what we shall become. Our scope is unlimited, and the extent of your involvement is based upon your own potential. All names and addresses are held in strict confidence and you are under no obligation as a Registered Member, unless you choose to present yourself for further consideration. registration into Dynamic Brotherhood is free, no fee is required. join this occult if you have the mind to do it remember that poverty is like marriage without sex for more info call: +2348140633561Dynamic said Capital is money, capital is commodities. By virtue of it being value,it has acquired the occult ability to add value to itself. It brings forth living offspring, or, at the least, lays golden eggs. The road to freedom lies not through mysteries or occult performances, but through the intelligent use of spiritual forces and laws.In the seventeenth century, the science of medicine had not wholly cut asunder from astrology and necromancy; and the trusting Christian still believed in some occult group influences, chiefly planetary, which governed not only his crops but his health and life. After all, film is so porous, and to my mind, so oddly occult, that I think that film itself absorbs odds energies like a living skin is Dynamic brotherhood .Its almost the age of civilization, enlightenment and technological advancement, and many old Occult and cultures that had ruled have been set aside, but the one thing that still links us with our forefathers is the great lengths we still go to make money.Money rules the day, but while our forefathers had more traditional means of making money, we have developed much more modern styles of making money.Many of us believe that the age of Money Rituals is over, but I am sorry to bust your bubble because it still exists in different shapes and sizes.Whats the definition of a Money ritual? Money Rituals are practices by some people who believe they can create wealth for individuals with the use of spells, charms, and sacrifices e.t.c.Money rituals can be traced to various parts of Africa, but it can also be seen in many countries such as India, Nigeria, Ghana and even the west, where people use animals for (sacrifices) without no body effect or human organs of their body, The result of all this is usually seen as Blood Money and was commonly attributed to different traditional Gods such as Shanghai (The spirit of wealth), e.t.c. Many people over the years have visited the temple of the Dynamic and today they are living in luxury life, and the news of people that have been successful as a member is over the place. Why do you have to sell your kidneys for iPad, iPhone and treasure, why not save your time and join the moving train today without no human blood or fresh, joining the the Dynamic brotherhood in Nigeria brings you into the land of the riches where all heart desires is guarantee in seven days. and do what your mate would not do and be in real cash and travel to any part of the world.For more details Call +2348140633561 HELLO MY LOVELY PEOPLE OF AFRICA OCCULT Knowledge means knowledge which is hidden, but it also means knowledge which is known. If it is knowledge that is known, there must be Those who know it; there could be no knowledge without the know of it. True occult knowledge can be obtained only by those who follow the path to it. That path was set down by Those Who Know; all who will may and can arrive at that knowledge. This is not a path open only to certain persons; it is open to every living human being, and limited only by the limitations we ourselves place around it through choice or through ignorance.Much is heard in the world today of what passes for occult knowledge. Much experiment goes on under that name in various directions: we have societies for psychical and psychological research, and there is much talk of psychic and astral experiences and communications with the dead. All these various methods of research are from below, upwards, and will never find the goal. Scientific methods,psychological methods, the methods of the Spiritualists, alike proceed from particulars to universals. Particulars are infinite, and those who follow that path will inevitably get lost in its infinite ramifications, with no real knowledge gained. The goal is to be found from above, below??from universals to particulars and not the reverse.In all forms of Occultism there is a fundamental principle which cannot be transgressed, if any goal at all is to be reached. Every occult teacher must impress it upon his pupils, and it runs as follows: Every branch of knowledge which you seek only to enrich your own learning, only to accumulate treasure for yourself, leads you away from the Path: but all knowledge which you seek for working in the service of humanity and for the uplifting of the world, brings you a step forward. This law must be rigidly observed; nor is one a genuine disciple until he has adopted it as the guide for his whole life. In many occult schools this truth is expressed in the following short sentences. Every idea which does not become an ideal for you, slays a power in your soul: every idea which becomes an ideal creates within you living join us call the wise one on this number : +2348140633561 We are the first above-ground organization in history openly dedicated to the acceptance of Mans true nature??that of a carnal beast, living in a cosmos which is permeated and motivated by the[b] Dark Force [/b]which we call Satan.Over the course of time, Man has called this Force by many names, and it has been reviled by those whose very nature causes them to be separate from this fountainhead of existence. They live in obsessive envy of we who exist by flowing naturally with the dread Prince of Darkness. It is for this reason that individuals who resonate with Satan haveal ways been an alien elite, often outsiders in cultures whose masses pursue solace in an external deity. We magicians are our own gods, and we are the explorers of the Left-Hand Path. We do not lowdown before the myths and fictions of the desiccated spiritual followers of the Right-Hand Path. Today, we continue to uphold our legacy by building on the solid foundation created by The Lord guguma and set forth in his writings, recordings, and videos. Since we were the first organization dedicated to him, we have had extensive media coverage and been referred to by several names over the course of over four decades:Dynamic temple, is the first occult temple in Africa, before occult temple all over African today and the world, yet we maintain the simplest and boldest moniker, embodied. Contact us for more details call: +2348140633561 FOR MONEY RITUAL, WEALTH, FORTUNE, RICHES, INFLUENCE, POWER, SUCCESS AND PROTECTION, JOIN THE Dynamic BROTHERHOOD OCCULT AND SHAKE HANDS WITH THE LORD SHANGHAI THE GODS OF WEALTH AND RICHES.Its almost the age of civilization, enlightenment and technological advancement, and many old Occult and cultures that had ruled have been set aside, but the one thing that still links us with our forefathers is the great lengths we still go to make money.Money rules the day, but while our forefathers had more traditional means of making money, we have developed much more modern styles of making money.Many of us believe that the age of Money Rituals is over, but I am sorry to bust your bubble because it still exists in different shapes and sizes.Whats the definition of a Money ritual? Money Rituals are practices by some people who believe they can create wealth for individuals with the use of spells, charms, and sacrifices e.t.c.Money rituals can be traced to various parts of Africa, but it can also be seen in many countries such as India, Nigeria, Ghana and even the west, where people use animals for (sacrifices) without no body effect or human organs of their body, The result of all this is usually seen as Blood Money and was commonly attributed to different traditional Gods such as Shanghai (The spirit of wealth), e.t.c. Many people over the years have visited the temple of the Dynamic and today they are living in luxury life, and the news of people that have been successful as a member is over the place. Why do you have to sell your kidneys for iPad, iPhone and treasure, why not save your time and join the moving train today without no human blood or fresh, joining the the Dynamic brotherhood in Nigeria brings you into the land of the riches where all heart desires is guarantee in seven days. and do what your mate would not do and be in real cash and travel to any part of the world.For more details Call NIGERIA: +2348140633561. The Dynamic Brotherhood Occult Spells Casting start work instantly and result start showing within one to three days .We have the keys to all problems:WE ARE A SPECIAL DEMONS that was sent by Master guguma to the world in human form.Giver of Wealth .we give wealth to all that diligently seek our help ,to all that are bold to stand the test of time. Our Power of Richness is to all who are in poverty and need our wealth through our Power Of Instant Wealth Invocation. SimplyContact The wise one Now . it is then left for you to make a choice to be Rich Or to remain Poor . Instant Wealth Initiation Is FREE Only The Materials for your initiation you must provide and come along with it to the temple.You can come to The Temple for the initiation and Invocation or we will invoke the Instant Wealth for you and your Physical money will appear before you any where youare in this world.Visas Any person seeking for visa to any country of his/her choice can also contact the brotherhood for a break through, no matter how many times you have been denied.Promotions If you have been or are a worker/staff of any firm or work place and need a promotion from your current state to a higher state. Just contact the brotherhood and have your chance.Debt Any person in debt or has money problems with anybody can contact the brotherhood for a solution.Poverty If you have been struck down by poverty just contact the temple, to become a member and you will start enjoying in riches.Spiritual Attacks If you are been attacked by any form of spirits especially at night, then to become a member and know the kind of spirit tormenting your life and the solution to it.engeance If you are in headlocks with someone and you wish to settle the case in your favor, then contact the dynamic occult to become a member and you shall surely gain what you seek for.Protection If you want a strong protection. Either for your business or against your competitors, kindly contact the to become a member and you will be safe.Others No matter your problems or grievances, just contact the brotherhood to become a member brake your intentions and problems General Information OUR RITUALS,MONEY RITUALS.JOB RITUALS.POWER RITUALS.PROSPERITY RITUALS.BANISHING DEBT RITUALS.LOTTO RITUALS.REVENGE RITUALS.E.T. C.WHAT EVER PROBLEM YOU HAVE THE Dynamic BROTHERHOOD HAVE A RITUAL TO END THE PROBLEM AND GIVE YOU PERFECT JOY AND PEACE.FOR MORE INFORMATION AND INQUIRY CALL NIGERIA: +2348140633561 POWER AND MONEY RITUALS.Wouldn't you love to suddenly come into large amounts of money? Most of us only dream of wealth and extravagance, but few of us seem to achieve it. Instead, we are inundated with bills, debt, and loans that seem to eat away at any savings or hope of secure retirement.The Power Money Rituals is designed to alleviate the financial burdens of those in serious debt by brining large sums of money into their lives. Are you serious debt?Is it hard to see a way out of your financial hole? Serious debt causes an immense-amount of stress. This stress can manifest itself through health problems, work issues, and relationship turmoil. Money problems are more than just financial, they affect every part of your life and can perpetuate negative energy throughout your relationships.This Rituals is designed to alleviate the stress and trauma associated with large financial problems. The Power Money Rituals will immediately attract wealth into your life in the form of large sums of money. The magical forces at work empower positive forces to assist you financially so that you can begin to better manage your life without the worry of debilitating debt. This Rituals is designed for those in immediate need of financial assistance and need urgent help.The Power Money Rituals will bring you large amounts of money quickly, but will not continue to bring money over long periods of time. It is designed for those who urgently need financial assistance. If you want continued wealth throughout your life, you will want to use the Prosperity Rituals. This Rituals, unlike the Power Money Rituals, will continue to bring you wealth throughout your lifetime.PROSPERITY RITUALS.Most of us save money throughout our lifetimes in order to feel financially secure when we retire. Unfortunately, inflation and the cost of living continue to decrease the value of savings while causing retirees to struggle to meet ends. You can work a lifetime and still never save enough to take care of you or your children later in life. Imagine knowing that both you and your children will never have to worry about money again. Imagine the ease and comfort that come with financial stability and freedom. The Prosperity Rituals is designed to bring you exactly that.By bringing positive energy around you, my witchcraft spell attracts money into your life over a long period of time. It was created for permanent and continuous prosperity and wealth and it continues to work throughout your lifetime and that of you children, your children, and the entire life of your bloodline. Your life will be filled with abundance and prosperity once you use this Rituals Imagine a life with financial freedom.My white magic Rituals does bring sudden large amounts of money and remain forever the energy of the Rituals grows and evolves, delivering steady wealth to you over the course of your lifetime. It is best for those who are secure in their lives and need the magical energy of this spell to bring them continued security and even greater prosperity. If you have large financial debt and need immediate assistance,use the Power Money Rituals to alleviate your debt then follow this with the Prosperity Rituals.BANISHING DEBT RITUALS.Digging your way out of debt can sometimes feel like pedaling backwards; a continuous struggle in a constantly losing battle. The Banishing Debt Rituals can help. These Rituals are designed for anyone with over $6000 in debt wanting to forever banish their debt and clear their name. This Rituals harnesses positive forces to assist you in eliminating your loans and alleviating the struggle with bills and creditors. Imagine spending the rest of your life with a surplus of money instead of constantly thinking about paying back old debts!The Banishing Debt Rituals is best used for those in massive debt. If you feel consumed by bills, loans, and credit card debt, this is the Rituals you need. Although it can help anyone who struggles with paying loans, it is specifically designed for those with very large amounts of debt who have problems eliminating iton their own. If you are one of the thousands of people who struggle with payments to banks and creditors, use the Banishing Debt Rituals to free yourself from the chains of debt and build a financially secure future.If you are in need of immediate assistance due to bankruptcy or foreclosure, use the Power Money Rituals to bring you immediate financial relief. The Power Money Rituals attracts large sums of money into your life in a short period of time. However, if you simply need debt relief, use the Banishing Debt Rituals and follow them with the Prosperity Rituals in order to bring constant wealth and prosperity to you and your children for the rest of your lives. Eliminating debt is just the first step to financial freedom. Be sure to take every opportunity to protect yourself from overwhelming debt in the future by bringing wealth and prosperity back into your life.LOTTO RITUALS.The Lotto rituals is designed for those who frequently play the lottery and understand the game. If you purchase lottery tickets on a regular basis and understand the probabilities and statistics associated with winning, than youll want to use the Lotto Rituals. This rituals works by using the magical forces to bring you the winning numbers of the lottery game 24 hours before the drawing. You must be frequent player of a specific lottery in order for the energies to focus on the specific game you intend to win.The Rituals will invite positive forces to enlighten your mind to the winning numbers prior to the drawing. This means that you will need to listen to your subconscious and be aware that special energies are at work 24 hours before the drawing. Choose your game wisely and be sure it is a lotto game. This specific rituals is designed to align your needs and energies with that of your game, so it is best used for games you already frequent.This rituals does not specify an amount of money, the winning jackpot must be chosen by you prior to the spell casting.If you are in dire need of financial assistance, you will want the Power Money RITUALS or the Debt Elimination rituals to alleviate large debt. If on the other hand, you are looking for long-term financial security, you want to use the Prosperity Rituals to attract enormous continuous wealth into your life.REVENGE RITUALS.This is for only those who have been offended deeply and want to revenge.FOR MORE INFORMATION AND INQUIRY CALL +2348140633561 Show More

  • Posted On:09 Jul, 2024
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